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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 1193c48.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-21  |  124KB  |  445x385  |  8-bit (232 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | chat room | grandstand | monitor | person | reckoner | shelf | sky | stairway | vegetarianism | windowpane
OCR: REGION/ LDAN TYPE INSTITUTION RATE OTHER DETAILS PAYMENTS TELEPHONE YORN CIT Fixed-rate 30-year Homerica 6.50% 10down 2.5 ports $632/mK 914-381-1070 ARM 30-year Rianewoad Savings Ban} 3.2 203 dnwin 2 poirts. 13.75%cap 718 240-4800 Home-et Lincoln Saving Bank 5001 Prime t 516 912 -3400 Carloar Atlarti: Bank. ol New York O8 down 43 marrths 718-204-2613 NORTHERN ERSEI Fixed-rate 30-vea Colectivel Fedural Smings 6.50 sjurd g wwop SS 632 830-221-2806 ARM 30-yea Pulasksi Savirgs Bank 1.00 O dowr, 2 pcints 9.caa 201-564.9000 Home-equity Irivestors Sanings Bank 7.00 Prime + 10, 15& cap 201-376-5100 Car loan Hudsar United Benk 7.25 20%3 daar. E rcnths 201-343-2460 PHILADELPHIA 30-yBal Tritent Morgace 6.31 5% d0NM,3 3 points 62 215-883-7600 ARM 30-year Hart Mortgage 3.3F 10%o I poits ...